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Day 7 The Sealey Challenge Expanded Edition: Charles E. Orser "Archeological Unit Concepts"
Yes, this was homework. This is the 3rd time reading. This time I'm taking notes baby! Most of this is terminology. A unit must be the...
The Sealey Challenge Day 6! "father forgive me" by Deshawn McKinney
I was introduced to Deshawn McKinney by The Poetry Salon. Mad shout out!! There is also the Saloncast where Mckinney is interviewed. I...
A Quick Kim Catchup!
Hello all! I have been posting for the Sealey Challenge. Poets and Writers that I know personally, don't worry, you will get your due....
The Sealey Challenge Day 5! "Feeding the Dead" by m. brett gaffney
These poems get the blood flowing! For those that like dark fantasy or horror speculative poetry--this verse is for you! There is...
The Sealey Challenge Day 4: "What the Country Wrought" by Annis Cassells
"What the Country Wrought" is a tremendous collection. I admit that this post does not do it justice, but a later one will tackle the...
Sealey Challenge Day 3: "Clock Star Rose Spine" by Fran Wilde
Well, Day 3 is here and it's shaping up to prove that I have a genre. I mean--that there is a genre for Fran Wilde that has illustrations...
The Sealey Challenge Day 2: "The Beautiful Leaves" by Karen Greenbaum-Maya
I received my signed copy today and my book schedule became completely rearranged. I have read some of Karen Greenbaum-Maya's somber...
The Sealey Challenge Day 1:
Day 1! Already here! I read The Space Carved by the Sharpness of your Absence by Nancy Murphy! There are wonderful poems that build on...
Releasing to the Public: My Plea to President Gee and Provost Reed
I wrote this for the WVU English Department. I have kept it private and now, it will do better as public knowledge. Please speak up. This...
Review of "Glass and Feathers" by Lissa Sloan
Lissa Sloan’s Glass and Feathers is a serialized novel free to subscribers of The Fairytale Magazine. The novel is released in small...
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